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How to stop buying and start saving:
15 things you are wasting your money on
Need help with how to stop buying things constantly and saving money? This post will show you 15 things you are wasting your money on. Money, that you can put towards savings and save thousands of dollars every year!
When you’re trying to save money, every little bit counts. There are so many things that we can do without which we buy anyway because of habit or convenience.
And that is where today’s post comes into play.
You are wasting your money on things that have become a habit to you. Little luxuries that, although nice to have, aren’t essential!
So if you’re wondering how you can stop buying things and save more money than ever this year, read on to find out what you can go without!
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15 Things To Stop Buying That Will Save You Money
1. Coffee at coffee shops
I know it’s tempting, and I know it tastes great, but you can make delicious coffee at home for a fraction of the price.
2. Hand creams, foot creams, body butters
Buying one big tub of body lotion and using it all over will save you a lot of money in the long run. I love the Nivea brand for inexpensive lotions that last forever.
3. Going to the movies
Movies cost a lot of money, and you can save a lot by not going every weekend. Take a look at all the upcoming movies and choose one or two a month if you’re a movie fanatic and must go, and go see them on discounted days.
4. Excess makeup
I used to be such a makeup hoarder and thought I needed all the palettes makeup gurus would talk about. Nobody needs that much makeup, and I’ve saved a ton of money by only buying whatever I run out of.
5. Home decor
Unless it serves you a purpose which you absolutely need, don’t buy it. All little trinkets do is collect dust on your shelves.
6. Books
Checking out books from your local library will save you hundreds of dollars every year if you’re an avid reader.
7. Lunches at work
I’m very guilty of buying lunch at work instead of making it at home, however upon discovering how much money I spend each week on food, I’ve challenged myself to pack my lunches for the entire month.
8. Useless subscriptions
If you’re subscribed to any services which don’t benefit you in any way, get rid of them. All those beauty box subscriptions? Think about how many items you get from them which you actually enjoy and ask yourself if it is worth paying for every month.
9. Trendy clothes
Trends come and go, and unless you will wear a piece for multiple seasons to come, I would suggest just not buying it. Clothes shopping costs so much money, and if you only buy clothes you need, you will end up saving a ton.
10. Salon services
Services like manicures, pedicures, and waxing can easily be done by yourself at home. If you get a $20 manicure every 2 weeks, you are spending $240 a year. Learning how to pamper yourself at home is fun, and you can always invite a few girlfriends over and have a spa day.
11. Pre-cut vegetables and fruit
Although convenient, spending money on these can very quickly add up. Buying whole fruit and vegetables and cutting them up yourself will be much more wallet-friendly than the conveniently pre-cut alternatives.
12. Take out
This is an easy way to save a lot of money monthly! Learn how to cook a few kickass dinners and always make more so that you can freeze them for a lazy day.
13. Impulse purchases
If you see something in a store and want to get it right there and then, leave it, sleep on it, and if you still want it badly the next day go get it. But trust me, chances are you will realize that you don’t really need it.
14. Paid apps
With so many free apps these days, paying for an app just seems unnecessary. Find apps that do the same thing as paid ones, and save your coins!
15. Checkout line items
Stores know what they’re doing by having cute little items leading up to the checkout counters. After all, what is there to do while waiting in line? Instead of looking through all the unnecessary temptations, get on your phone and scroll through social media until it is your turn to pay.
You definitely don’t need to stop buying all of these, but some will give you more savings than others. For example, if you only buy paid apps every 2 months or so but go out for coffee every single day, cutting coffee would be better for your savings.
Reaching financial goals doesn’t have to be difficult or make you think that you can’t enjoy life. With the right strategies, you can save money easily and build wealth over time.
If you are looking for more tips on money management, then check out these resources:
- 12 Good Money Habits To Start ASAP
- How To Make Money Online From Home
- 7 Personal Finance Books You Need To Read
- What You Should Be Doing Every Single Pay Day
- 20 Creative Ways To Save Money You Will Love
Do you have any money-saving tips you live by? Leave them below!
Nyxies says
Excellent suggestions 🙂
I’m always game to save a few £££
Mariam says
Oh so am I! Thank you for reading! 🙂
Giana Spiteri says
Before I started to read the post I knew coffee would be number 1 aha! I moved to Australia a month ago and in that time I’ve only bought ONE coffee out because they sell such frothy coffee packets at Aldi! Great post xx
Mariam says
Great job!! That’s determination right there haha! I still need to get a little bit better with coffee before work- I’ve cut it down to only one a week but I want to completely cut it out. 🙂 Thank you for reading!
Alyssa says
These are great suggestions. I do love to buy books so I can continue to read them in the future but you are right!
I used to spend a fortune at Starbucks, I save so much money now.
Thanks for these excellent tips.
Mariam says
I love books but they do add up! If they’re books you know you are going to read later on then that’s not too bad. I used to be guilty of only reading a book once. Thank you for reading!
Ashley says
This is such a useful post and really got me thinking! I waste so much money on home decor items I have no room or use for! Also visiting coffee shops too often! And I’m a sucker for impulse buying! Thank you for sharing xxx
Mariam says
Impulse buying is the worst! Took me ages to cut it out. Thank you for reading. 🙂
Hannah says
As a self confessed caffeine addict, I’m ashamed at how much money I could be saving just by cutting down on my daily coffees! A great post, always a good idea to keep an eye on where you could be saving 🙂
Mariam says
It definitely is, every bit of saved money helps. Thank you for reading! 🙂
Liv says
These sorts of blog posts are so useful especially as I don’t even know how to save money and just spend everything as soon as I’ve been paid 🤣🤣| https://liviaroseblog.blogspot.com
Mariam says
Haha trust me, I’ve been there many times! I guess with time you just realize that a lot of these things you buy aren’t that important. 🙂 Thank you for reading!
Isobel says
I had my nails done for the first time last week as I’ve always done it myself, and no way will I be spending £23 on a set of nails that last me a week or two again when I can do it for free at home! Loved reading this!
Isobel x
New post: http://www.fashionistachic.co.uk/2019/04/beauty-my-eyelash-growth-story.html?m=0
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/isobelceline/
New video: https://youtu.be/dhKA_n-CLpU
Mariam says
It adds up so much! I used to pay so much money for nails but since switching to doing them myself I’ve saved a lot!
Amanda | Pinwheels and Piggybanks says
These are great suggestions and the savings real add up! One thing I am trying to work on is reducing the amount of disposables I use. I’m working on cloth napkins now and once I master that I will move on to resusable paper towels!
Mariam says
That’s a great way to start! I also tend to use a lot of disposables, so bad for the planet and my pocket. Best of luck with that!
Dayma says
I definitely felt this on so many levels I’m always splurging then wondering why I even bought this or that. Great tips
Mariam says
Haha I know ALL about how that feels! Thank you for reading!
Miranda Richey says
Saving should be everyone’s priority. This is a strong list and it hit home on quite a few things. The coffee one though… oh the struggle!
Mariam says
I knowwww, so hard to let go but honestly one of my biggest expenses!
Arun Dahiya says
Thanks, I need to see it every few days. I am guilty of every single of them. True, it can save a lot over time.
Mariam says
It sure can. Thank you for reading!
Megan | Ginger Mom and Company says
Coffeeshop coffee is one of my weaknesses. That, and I always seem to buy lunch at work or on my way to work. This week I started a new diet and have been bringing my lunch from home so hopefully this sticks so I can save some money, too! Great post!
Mariam says
Good luck with your diet! I’m sure it will help you save some money by bringing in your own food. Thank you so much for reading!
Paris says
So guilty of picking up multiple items in the queue to the till and having Tesco meal deals for lunch… Some great tips here, I just need to manage my time and factor some in for meal prep 🙂
Mariam says
You can do it 🙂 I’m super lazy when it comes to meal prepping but not only does it save money but it also can be much healthier than getting Tesco meals.
Hannah says
Really great post here! I used to forget pack lunch on a regular basis but the amount I was spending was crazy so I make an extra effort to take a pack lunch with me every day now! Even if it means making it the night before sometimes
Mariam says
I like to make mine the night before. If I forget to do it the night before I usually go to work without food and end up buying something!
Hannah says
It definitely does! Tesco meal deals use to be my weak point every time!!!
Rumaisa| life with rumie says
Ohh I never knew I needed this post till now. I will surely cut off some things. 2019 is all about saving and making money!
Mariam says
I completely agree! I also made a vow to myself to be better with money this year. We can do it!
Alessandra says
i just need to remind myself these things and hopefully, this will help.
Mariam says
I’m sure you can do it. 🙂
Melissa says
Very good advice! Especially about buying coffee and lunch. Buying lunch every day in the city is at least $10 a day and coffee is at least $5 a day.
Mariam says
It adds up so much! Thank you for reading 🙂
Andi Preston says
Yessss to these! I have recently eliminated 6 and 7. Still need to work on a few more. Awesome tips 😊
Mariam says
Thank you so much!
Lauren says
Checkout items are my downfall, especially in Primark with all their face masks and hair bobbles! 😂 This is a great post with some great tips! X
Mariam says
I always used to get sucked into the checkout items! Thank you for reading 🙂
Sarah WInton says
These are all great money savers. I’m terrible for buying lunches too!
Mariam says
Yeah, they add up so much!
Mykki says
I 100% agree with every single one of these – except books.
It’s hard to make a living as a writer, so every book sale helps. I will always purchase a book from an author I want to support, rather than check it out free or thrift it.
Mariam says
That’s a wonderful way to look at it. You are right that writers do struggle especially when starting out. I haven’t thought of it that way before.
Ellie says
I spent last summer looking for a job for like 3 months and I stopped buying cosmetics completely and lived off my spares and miniatures and after three months I still had supplies and I hadn’t spent anything the whole summer. Recently I have started taking my own lunch to work and this saves me like £150 a month!
Mariam says
Wow that’s amazing! Food and cosmetics can add up SO much. I’m glad you’ve been able to save so much money!
Chloe Osborn says
These are great tips! I was so guilty of buying lunch at university when it was so much cheaper to make my own and bring it with me. I haven’t bought new make up for months because it is expensive and there’s no need for me to buy a new foundation when I still haven’t emptied the one I have. I used to do that a lot!
Mariam says
I recently found out that you can ask for samples of cosmetics at stores! I got a sample of concealer and that baby lasted a whole month!
Margarida Vasconcelos says
Great suggestions. I’ve already implemented a few of them. Thanks for sharing.
Mariam says
You’re welcome! 🙂
Kirsty says
Great tips. Although if you don’t want to give up the movies, if possible get a subscription. We may less than £20 a month each and we can go as many times as we want. If you only go twice a month you still get your money’s worth 😀
Anaïs says
Love this! Great list, thanks for sharing!! x
Anaïs | http://anais-n.com
Jenny says
My main downfall is takeaways, I could definitely save money on them