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Did you know that there are tons of etiquette mistakes you might be doing and not even know? This post will go over a few of these mistakes and will help you become an elevated version of yourself.
First thing’s first, though. Let’s talk about what etiquette really means. According to the good old dictionary, etiquette is the set of rules and customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations.
Etiquette is important because it makes us look out for others as much as we look out for ourselves. The earliest memory of etiquette for many of us is our parents teaching us to say “please” and “thank you”.
Now, imagine a world where those two words did not exist. Imagine that you open the door for somebody and they don’t acknowledge your niceness by thanking you. That wouldn’t feel very good, would it?
I’ve written a post about 30 social etiquette rules everybody should know before, but today’s post is a little different. You will be reading about things that you should definitely not do where social etiquette is concerned.
If you’re ready to become a kinder and more mindful person, read on. Or pin the image below to save for later! 📌

5 Etiquette Mistakes You Need To Stop Doing
1- Not bringing something when going for a visit
One of the most basic rules of social etiquette is being a good guest. And that includes bringing a gift for your host, as a thank you for their invite.
Not bringing anything with you is considered a major etiquette mistake, but you’d be surprised at how many people do it.
When you’re invited to somebody’s house, you have to remember that it is a lot of work being a host. They have to make sure the house is clean and tidy, and they provide food, drink, and entertainment for their guests.
The least that you as a guest could do to show your appreciation for their time, energy, and money, is bring a small gift with you when you arrive.
Some very suitable gifts to bring your host (which you can click to shop) are:
- a box of chocolates
- a bottle of wine or any other drink
- flowers
- decorative candles
- a potted plant
- a food basket
- a coffee table book
- homemade treats
2- Using your phone loudly in public
Were you ever in public and heard someone being super loud on their phone? Whether it was a phone call, a loud video playing, or music blaring? If this is you, please, please try to stop this habit.
Having good social etiquette means being mindful of others’ space, and that also includes what they are subjected to. A person who is out with their family or significant other for a peaceful night out does not need to hear your ranting and raving on the phone or listen to an Instagram Reel you’re watching.
If you need to speak on the phone, excuse yourself from whoever is in your company, and go somewhere where there aren’t many people. Be mindful of the volume you’re speaking at, too. And if you really want to watch something on your phone, always use earphones.
3- Using your phone at the table
Similar to the above point, another phone faux pas is using your phone when you’re at the dinner table or when you’re sitting somewhere with others.
To put this in context, let’s say you’re out with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. You want to catch up with her on everything that’s been going on, but her head is glued to her phone the whole time.
Two things are wrong here. First, you know for a fact that she isn’t listening to you or to what you have to say. Second, it is a blatant disregard for your time and energy. You did not get dressed up and leave your house to get ignored.
In today’s times, it can be difficult to not look at your phone when it rings, since most of us get many notifications throughout the day. But if you’re someone who frequently does this, you should learn to control the urge to pick up your phone to avoid this etiquette mistake.
4- Being late
Being the person who is always late to everything can be really frustrating for whoever is waiting for you. Again, this is disregarding the other person’s time and energy.
Especially as we get older and have more responsibilities, meeting up with others can be difficult as it is. Now imagine that you have a whole to-do list that day and you agreed to meet up with someone. That person’s tardiness is going to inconvenience you for the rest of the day.
If you’re known to be late to things, always let people know in advance that you might not make it in time. If they want to wait for you, that’s great. But if they choose to not see you that day because it’s going to inconvenience them, you can’t be mad.
Do whatever you need to do to get better at arriving on time. In fact, here is a post on how to get ready quicker that might help a little.
5- Showing up with an uninvited guest
The last etiquette mistake that we will discuss is bringing someone who was not invited with you to an event that you were invited for. If you are invited somewhere, do not ever assume that you can bring a plus one.
First of all, your host does not prepare for more guests than were invited. If they invited 10 guests to an intimate dinner party, 10 people are all they will prepare food, drink, and entertainment for.
Second, your uninvited guest can change the whole mood of the event. People can feel uncomfortable being around someone they don’t know, and that goes for the host as well. You never want to be the person who makes the host uncomfortable at their own event.
If you’re invited somewhere and want to bring another person with you, make sure to always check with the host first. If you get told that it’s not okay, don’t do it. Sometimes it’s hard for people to say no to their friends and family, so pay attention to their body language. If the host even hesitates, take it as a no.
I hope you found this post helpful in helping you decide if any of your habits are etiquette mistakes. These habits can inconvenience others more than you might think, so it’s a good idea to try and stop doing them. If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy more posts on personal development. And as always, pin the image below to share this post with others.