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How to Get Organized:
30 Ways to Organize Your Life
Ready to learn about 30 ways to organize your life? If yes, then this post will be perfect for you!
I personally love being organized in all areas of my life. Organizing, in general, is very therapeutic for me. I actually love having my things put in designated places, and organizing my whole day.
It eliminates unnecessary stress, keeps me focused, and I can find whatever I’m looking for so much faster than if my stuff were all over the place.
If you’ve been looking for ways to simplify your life a little more, and wondering how to organize your life, this post is perfect for you.
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30 Ways To Organize Your Life
1. Clean Out Your Inbox
Getting rid of unwanted subscriptions is such a good way of getting organized!
I used to have countless emails I was subscribed to, but ever since unsubscribing to a whole bunch of email newsletters I never even read, my inbox is much cleaner. Now I get mail I actually want to read.
If you’ve been dreading unsubscribing from newsletters one by one, you don’t have to. I used Unroll.Me to quickly delete my unwanted subscriptions, and it was the best thing I’d done in a long time! I definitely recommend it, and it’s free.
2. Clean Out Your Purse
Who else throws everything but the kitchen sink into their purse?
I can almost guarantee that you have something in your purse right now that you can get rid of! Cleaning out your purse once a week is going to help you find things SO much easier.
Bonus organization points if you have a purse with compartments, or if you have a purse organizer.
I like to keep my stuff in little makeup bags. Chargers go in one, feminine products in another, makeup in yet another one. Having these little baggies inside my purse keeps everything in place and I don’t have to scramble to find anything anymore.
3. Keep a Planner
Planners are the MacDaddys of organization for a reason.
When you plan out your appointments, tasks, events, and to-dos you know what to expect every day.
I highly recommend keeping a planner to keep your days organized. There are so many planners to choose from these days too, so you’ll be able to choose something that works for you in a few minutes.
4. Clean as You Go
This is so easy, but saves so much time and effort later on.
Instead of waiting for your house to get dirty and then having to spend hours cleaning it, you can do spot cleaning for a few minutes every couple of hours.
Not only does that keep your space clean and organized, but it also saves a whole lot of time when doing it in chunks.
It’s also one of those things that you will get used to doing pretty quickly. The more you do it, the quicker it will take you!
I’d definitely recommend doing this if you want to keep your space organized and tidy.
5. Meal Prep
Meal prepping might sound a little scary if you haven’t done it before, but it really isn’t! If you’re unsure where to start with meal prepping, check out this link for a how-to on meal prepping. It might take you an afternoon to get it done, but you will have meals for days ready for you!
6. Declutter Your Computer Files
Having a million files on your computer desktop is no bueno for organization.
Taking an hour to creating folders for all your files and deleting any unwanted files (which I’m sure most of us have plenty of) is going to free up so much space on your device.
It will also make it easier for you to find whatever you’re looking for, especially if you spend a lot of time on your computer.
7. Buy Furniture With Storage
This little hack is super useful for smaller spaces, but anyone with a bigger space can also benefit from this.
If you tend to have a lot of stuff, having extra storage in the form of furniture is going to free up so much of your space.
8. Have a Cleaning Schedule
A cleaning schedule is helpful because it’s going to keep your house much cleaner than if you were to just clean every once in a while.
You can designate certain days to different tasks, for example: Mondays for dusting, Tuesdays for changing bed sheets, Wednesdays for mopping floors.
This will keep your house clean and save you tons of time down the road.
9. Organize Your Closet
Even though this is a task I don’t enjoy doing, I feel SO much better once I get it done.
An organized closet helps us find things quicker, has us wearing clothes we’d normally forget about, and it makes the whole getting ready process quicker and smoother.
I love using bins and closet organizers to keep my closet functioning smoothly.
10. Use Storage Bins
Storage bins are excellent for things you have that don’t have a designated space in your home.
You can have storage bins for your kids’ toys, any backup products, pantry items and so much more!
11. Create a Daily To-Do List
Organizing your day with a to-do list is the easiest thing you can do for yourself to stay on top of things.
If you do only one thing on this list, let this be it!
And to help you with writing a to-do list every day, I have a FREE daily to-do list template for you.
Simply leave your name and email in the form below and it will be sent to you!
12. Have Backups
One of the most helpful things I have started doing recently is keeping backups of things I use often.
Think batteries, face creams, bath products, snacks- the works!
I keep all of my backups in a designated basket, and when my bathroom soap or shampoo finishes, I can simply go to my basket and fish out a brand-new one.
13. Pick out Your Outfit the Night Before
This is a lifesaver for all of my “forever in a hurry” girls and guys.
If you know you’re going somewhere the next day, prepare everything the night before. Outfit, shoes and even accessories!
This will free up so much time in the morning for you, time you can use to catch up on some shut-eye or sip your coffee slowly.
I also have a post on how to get ready faster in the morning if you’d like more tips on how to be out the door in record time!
14. Manage Your Passwords
How annoying is it to be in a hurry to check your email or sign in to an app, but you have no idea what your password is?
Keeping a password tracker is not only going to keep your passwords in one place, but it will also make it so much quicker for you to sign in to any apps you haven’t used in a while.
Just make sure to keep it in a safe place!
15. Declutter Your Phone
Having a million photos and useless apps on your device is good for nothing. It slows down your phone and fills up your storage space.
Not to mention, it will take you ages to find that cute picture you took on your last vacay.
An organized phone is going to do wonders for your productivity, especially if you use it a lot for work or other things.
16. Keep Your Gym Bag Stocked
If you’re a gym bunny, having all of your essentials (and backups) in your gym bag is going to be a big time-saver.
You won’t even need to think about if you’re missing something, because you already know it’s all there for you!
17. Prepare for Your Monthly Cycle
Buying feminine products in bulk is always a good idea. Having a good supply of whatever you might need during your cycle is something I definitely recommend.
Another tip is to have everything in one place to make it easier to find when in a pinch!
18. Keep an Emergency Bag in Your Car
We never know what could happen to us on the road, right?
That’s why keeping a bag for emergencies in the trunk is going to potentially be an actual life-saver.
If you’re not sure what you might need in case of an emergency, Amazon has some car emergency kits ready for you.
19. Get a Spice Organizer
Having matching spice jars is such an adult thing, but it makes so much sense.
Gone will be the days of you scrambling to find paprika in a pantry that’s an absolute mess.
20. Label Everything
Labeling things at home may sound like a pain and a useless thing to do, but many people swear by it!
One thing is for sure, though. Everyone living with you will love you a little more for making their lives easier with all the labels on things.
21. Clean Out Your Wallet
If your wallet is full of receipts and other junk you will probably never need anymore, get rid of it!
This is such an easy thing to declutter, but for some reason many us us neglect to do it.
Make more room for what your wallet is meant for- cash and cards!
22. Track Your Finances
Doing this will not only save you money and show you what you’re spending, it will also teach you how to be more responsible with your finances.
You can use anything from a spreadsheet to a financial planner to do this, but whichever way you choose to track your finances will surely get you closer to your financial goals.
Related reads:
Best Personal Finance Books To Read
12 Financial Habits To Start Now
23. Drop-Off Zone at Home
If you’ve ever left your house without your keys, phone, or wallet, I feel you.
This is why this organization hack will be super helpful if you tend to forget your stuff at home!
Once you get home, all you will have to do with your bag, wallet, keys, jacket and whatever else you have on you is to leave it at your designated drop-off place.
The easiest way to do this is to have your drop-off zone next to your entry door for easy access when you’ll be on your way out again.
24. Create a Weekly Menu
Cooking, as I’m sure most of you know, can take a long time to do.
Between planning what you will eat, shopping for groceries and actually cooking the food, it all ads up.
Having a weekly menu will make it easier for you to shop because you’ll already know what you need, and cooking will become a breeze!
Creating a weekly menu can be whatever you want it to look like. You can have meatless Mondays, taco Tuesdays, pasta Wednesdays and so on!
Make it fun, and if you have kids you can have them join in the weekly prep too!
25. Declutter Your Medicine Cabinet
The medicine cabinet is a place you shouldn’t miss when organizing.
Make it a point to go through every couple of months and throw out any medicine that has expired, and make sure to stock up on anything in the cabinet that you may regularly use bandaids and painkillers.
26. Set Reminders on Your Phone
Having reminders on your phone for literally anything is going to be so helpful with organizing your time.
Baking a cake? Set a reminder for when to take it out of the oven.
Need to call a friend later today? Set a reminder.
Think of something on the go that you’d like to do later on? Set a reminder.
You get the idea. Creating reminders is going to work a lot better than trying to remember it all.
27. Set Cleaning Zones Throughout the Week
I’m going to get into cleaning one more time, because it is something we all do throughout the week!
This tip though, is for cleaning zones.
A cleaning zone is going to be anything you will clean that day that you don’t need to clean every single day. Say, for example, your oven.
Set yourself a timer for 15 minutes, clean the oven as well as you can in that time, and then you’re done!
The next day, get to something else you don’t regularly clean, like the tops of your kitchen cabinets.
This is a great way to space out your more tough cleaning, and to do it quickly.
28. Keep your Desk Organized
If you’re someone like me who works from home a lot, you probably have a designated work space that sometimes can get a little out of control.
Keeping your workspace organized and decluttering it from time to time will be great for your productivity.
Going through your drawers every once in a while and keeping organizers on your desk is going to help keep clutter away from your work space, and you will feel a lot better working in a tidy space.
Related read:
10 Things To Do For An Organized Month
29. Schedule your Beauty Treatments in Advance
Another easy way to stay on top of things in your life is to schedule your most frequent beauty treatments in advance!
If you’re someone who regularly gets your hair cut every 2 months or so, make it a point to schedule the next few visits the next time you have an appointment there.
This will help you prepare for these appointments in advance, and you will never go longer than you have to between treatments!
30. Make your Bed Daily
Want to feel like an organized queen every morning? Make your bed a few minutes after you wake up.
This simple task is going to help you start your day doing something productive, which is likely to make you want to stay productive all day!
Plus, it takes no time at all, and you will have already crossed one thing off of your to-do list.
Getting organized doesn’t have to be hard and time-consuming. By simply adding a few extra habits to your weekly schedule, you can get organized quickly and efficiently without even thinking about it!
What are some ways to organize your life that you swear by? Let us know in the comments!
And before you go, if you enjoyed this post, please pin it to share with more people!

how to have an organized home organization organizational hacks
I’m super organised and I do a lot of these. If I don’t, my mind feels frazzled!
Same here! I can’t have things messy!
This is such a great in depth comprehensive list, thank you for sharing these useful tips!
My pleasure! I hope you found some new ideas here!
Love this! I used to think that I was an organised person but I’ve definitely noticed lately that I’m not as much as I want to be and keep having to play catch up which is annoying. Definitely need to start on some of these, and the others are a reminder to do them. My phone and laptop need a real spring clean.
My laptop and phone are always the last things to get organized for some reason but I feel so much better when I get to them!
These are some great ideas, our phone needs decluttering time to time too. Thanks for such a detailed post.
My pleasure! I hope you found some of these tips helpful!
I’m really weird with how I organise things – I too find organising therapeutic, however I’m also really messy and chaotic at the same time. I try to take time every weekend to re-organize things, and that makes me feel better about the week ahead.
That’s a really good strategy for starting the new week fresh!
There are sooo many great tips in here!! I like to be organised but I’m defo going to use your tips to help me get back on track!
Awesome, best of luck!
This is incredibly useful! I’m not a naturally organised person so I do have to work at it, and this has given me a lot of tips. I recently moved and getting my room all organised was SO satisfying, as is making the bed daily! I love planners too, I absolutely rely on writing down lists!
I absolutely love making my bed daily too! It makes the room look 10 times cleaner! I’m happy you think these tips are useful!
My organizational skills are definitely lacking, thank you for breaking them down so easily for me! I’m working on becoming more put together and organized this list makes it seem less overwhelming.
One thing at a time. You’ll get there. 🤗
I love the idea of decluttering my inbox and maybe even my bookmarks. Because it is online, I feel like it has a tendency to stack up more since we cannot actually see it.
I recently created a to-do list of ongoing projects and try to cross off one thing or work toward one thing a day. Thanks so much for sharing this!
You’re so right, and I never thought about it that way. Not physically seeing those definitely makes us forget about the digital clutter! Thank you for stopping by!
Veeeeeeery nice website..and very useful…I advice everyone to visit it…my life style changed after reading so.e advice here….God bless.
Thank you so much! I’m so happy your life style changed after reading my advice!
In between, there was some kind of recommended planner in topic keep a to-do list and when I fill all the requirements then nothing happened as they tell us.
You need to confirm your subscription and then you’ll get another email with the planner!
Staying organized is one of the biggest challenges I face and I’m always looking for tips to get better and your post has helped me add some new tips to try out!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
I’m happy this helped you! My pleasure!
Love this list! I already do a few of them, and look forward to trying out some of your tips!
Just stopping by to say I love and appreciate your content!
Thank you so much! I’m glad you’re liking my posts.
Beds should be aired for an hour or so before making, so that the perspiration that you have given off during the night has a chance to evaporate.
Better to make your bed 15 minutes or so after you get up. The sheets have sweat & moisture accumulated & throwing back the covers & letting it air dry for a bit makes for a fresher bed.
I thought I was on board with 90% of these habits. But then I began preparing to put our house on the market!! That’s when reality hits. Someone call the police; vandals have been sneaking mysterious stuff into the place over the last seven years and I want them punished.
My life is much more organised and less stressful since I started using Google Keep notes. I have lists for everything: work, shopping, To Do this morning, To do this week, packing lists, Take to Work. They can be colour coded, tick lists, add labels, photos, links etc. Give them a try.
Wow! Absolutely an amazing blog post. Thank you so much for the tips!