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How to find a job fast:
How to get a job quickly with no experience
In today’s post, I am going to be sharing tips that will help you get your dream job as quickly as possible!
I know what a long process job hunting can be, and I also know a thing or two about interviews. Ever since I started working 10 years ago, I’ve been on many job interviews and have picked up on a few things which I think will be very helpful to many of you!
Graduating college is great and all, until you come to the realization that bills are a real thing, rent doesn’t get paid by your parents your whole life, and you probably should start looking for a job.
The process can be very confusing to someone with no experience, yet there are many tricks you can use to land a job with no experience, fresh out of college. All it takes is some preparation from you before the interview and a positive attitude.
Helpful ways to get a job
Your CV
First thing first, and I can’t stress this enough- don’t lie on your CV. If you don’t speak French, don’t write that you do because you think it sounds fancy.
More often than not, what you write on your CV gets questioned in an interview.
You could very well get a question like, “I see here that you know three languages. How have you learned them all?”. Or worse, the interviewer will say something in French to you, which would completely mess up your interview and your chances at landing the job.
So please, please, do not lie on your CV and only list your actual qualities.
What if you don’t have experience?
You may think that with no experience you can’t have a strong CV, but I disagree.
A lot of employers, especially those who give training to new employees, want someone who will give their company fresh ideas, and someone who has a friendly personality and can get along with others.
As for the experience, list anything you have done that is relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you were a part of any extra-curricular clubs or organizations in college, make sure you list those.
If you had a job in retail, for example, don’t state on your resume “Worked retail”, but write something like “Worked in improving engagement with merchandise and providing outstanding customer service“. Make it sound a bit fancier rather than just stating the fact that you’ve worked in retail.
Learn from others
Another thing you can do to land a great job is to get in touch with people you know who work in that field.
Ask about what to expect in an interview, how to dress for it, and which skills are necessary for the job.
Any advice from them would be invaluable to you since they would know the job like the back of their hand. Take their advice and work it into your CV and potentially an interview.
Networking in the corporate world is huge, so definitely make connections with people you look up to. You never know when you’d need their help with a job in the future.
During your interview
Once you’ve landed an interview, a question that almost always comes up in interviews is the question of why you want to work at their company as opposed to others.
This is what you should prepare yourself for before the interview. Go on the company’s website and read about their vision, and familiarize yourself with their strategies, awards, and anything else you can read up on them.
When employers see that you’ve actually taken the time to research their brand, it only gives you more credibility with them.
First impressions
Most importantly, first impressions matter. Dress professionally, have a strong handshake and be polite and friendly.
If you are nervous, don’t be. Or fake not being nervous. Many interviewers have good people skills and can usually tell when someone is nervous, but remember that they are just people like you and me who have probably interviewed dozens of people in their lives.
Also, be yourself- they can usually tell when someone is being a phony because they just want a job. It is also important to keep in mind that you may not get the job of your dreams right off the bat.
You might get an entry-level position offered to you instead, but with the right work ethic, you are only bound to move up that career ladder.
What if they don’t call you back?
Lastly, if you don’t get a callback, it’s not going to be the end of the world. You will find something else someplace else and think of it this way- a job that does not want you is not the job you want anyway.
Do you have any tips for how to find a job fast? Leave them in the comments!
And before you go, you might be interested in the posts below!

Some great tips! I especially like the part about reaching out to others.
For me that definitely worked! By reaching out for informational interviews I don’t know if I would have been able to land the job I have today during a world pandemic!
Knowing the power of networking can be HUGE! Thanks Mariam 🙂
-Hoes that Hustle | https://hoesthathustle.com/