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Social etiquette involves etiquette in public spaces and around other people. It’s a great way to remain respectful and tactful when you’re in the company of others.
People who have good etiquette are often very polished, professional, and pleasant people. Following basic social etiquette rules can, therefore, help you progress in life and make meaningful connections.
In today’s post, we are going to be covering 30 tips for social etiquette that will help you navigate your social life with ease and tact. Some of these might sound obvious, and others are going to be more outside the box for some of you.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this post and find some new etiquette tips to add to your daily life.
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1- Say “please” and “thank you”
The most basic rule of social etiquette will always stand. Always say please and thank you!
2- Always be punctual
Be mindful of other people’s time. Being late is not only unprofessional in the workplace, but it can also come off across as being disrespectful in social settings.
3- Give compliments
They’re free, and may make someone’s day. Why not give them often? You will be seen as a graceful and kind person when you start giving regular compliments to others.
4- Be a good listener
Many of us love to talk, but sometimes we can have a hard time listening to others speak. Once in a while, remind yourself to simply listen without adding your two cents in.
5- Keep your bag off tables
Always keep your bag off any table you are sitting at. You can place it on a designated chair, or behind you on yours. Alternatively, use a nifty purse hanger like this one to hang your bag from the table.
6- Always bring something when visiting somebody
Do not arrive at anybody’s home empty-handed. They have graciously invited you, so you be gracious back and bring something along with you. You can bring something to drink, a dessert, or some flowers.
7- Do not be on your phone at the dinner table
When you’re having a meal with others, ditch the phone and be present. It shows that you’re interested in the conversation that is going on, and is simply good manners to not be on the phone.
8- Be mindful of your phone’s loudness in public
Many people love to watch videos and talk on Face Time without any headphones, making their business public to everybody else. If you must listen to something on your phone, either wear headphones, or turn the volume down as much as possible.
9- Learn how to properly write emails
Always start emails with a greeting, and end with giving your regards. Be mindful of the subject line, too, and have it reflect the subject of your email properly.
10- Introduce yourself to new people
When in a group of people you don’t know, always introduce yourself. It’s good social etiquette to acknowledge others around you, especially when you’re in a group.

11- Let people off the elevator before getting in
Same goes with buses and trains. First the people who are leaving exit, and then you can board.
12- Keep to the right on escalators
This is good social etiquette because some people like to walk past on escalators to get off faster. Avoid the awkward “Excuse me” by simply staying to the right.
13- Be mindful of what you post on social media
Social media has gotten many people in trouble. It’s easy to post everything and anything on your social media channels, but anything you put out will always stay on the Internet. Don’t post anything that might embarrass you down the line.
14- Make eye contact when talking to someone
This is very important in social etiquette because it shows the person you’re talking to that you are interested in what they have to say, and that you’re acknowledging them. Looking away often when someone speaks to you is a little rude, so try not to drift off.
15- Offer your seat
This is especially important to do for older people and pregnant women, or anybody who seems unwell. Offering your seat in a crowded place is very kind and gracious, and definitely good social etiquette.
16- Cover your mouth when you cough
And no, don’t cough into your hand. Instead, cough into your elbow to eliminate spreading germs whenever you touch something with your hands.
17- Have private conversations in private
How many times have you been out in public and somebody has had a conversation that should have been had in private, loudly broadcasted for all to hear? Your private life should be private. Don’t talk about your man cheating or a disease somebody has loud enough for everybody to hear.
18- Don’t yell over the phone
Be mindful of how loud your are on the phone in general. It can be really inconsiderate to talk very loudly and disturb others around you.
19- Don’t talk with your mouth full
Wait until you’re finished chewing to speak. If somebody asks you a question while you’re eating, simply cover your mouth with one hand and hold up your other hand’s index finger to signal that you will respond as soon as you’re done chewing.
20- Don’t comment on weight or tell people they’re tired
Do not give unsolicited advice on people’s weight, and please, do not tell them they look tired or sick. You don’t know what that person is going through, and they don’t ever appreciate these comments.
21- Avoid “Reply All” in emails unless necessary
This is particularly good etiquette for work settings, but you should avoid hitting the “Reply All” button and only reply to the sender if needed. The whole company doesn’t need to receive your email if the email isn’t directed at everybody there.
22- Don’t chew loudly
Be mindful of your chewing. Close your mouth while you chew and take smaller bites if needed.
23- Do not talk about money
Talking about money and anything to do with how much others or yourself earn is a topic you should avoid at all costs. It’s tacky and should not be discussed.
24- Always let someone know when you’re running late
Again, this goes back to being mindful of people’s time. Ideally, you’d want to arrive on time or a little earlier. However, things happen sometimes. In that case, it is good manners to let the other party know that you will be running late by a few minutes. Give them an ETA if possible.

25- Put your shopping cart back
It’s good social etiquette to put your cart back and not assume that somebody will put it back for you.
27- Accept compliments
Be gracious when accepting compliments and thank those who give them to you.
28-Clean up after yourself
This is one of the easiest social etiquette rules. Clean up after yourself wherever you go. It’s not polite to leave your mess for others to clean.
26- Be mindful of personal space
Many people value their personal space, so it is good etiquette to keep some room between you and others, especially in a line.
29- Always offer guests something to drink or eat
It is impolite to not offer visitors something to eat or drink when they come over. Even a glass of something cold will suffice, but make sure to offer them something. Being a good host is very good etiquette.
30- Don’t snap your fingers at servers
When you need to get the attention of a server, simply make eye contact and hold up your index and middle finger together. Do not, under any circumstances, snap your fingers at servers or yell at them to get their attention.
If you enjoy reading about etiquette, here are some amazing books you should check out!

I loved this! We all need this as all of these things are small rules I see broken all the time.
These are great tips! Sometimes I forget about some of them but this is a great reminder how important they are.
An absolute great post. It really is the smallest of things that count, all the time.