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Types Of Toxic People You Must Avoid
When we are young, most of us grow up thinking that everybody is our friend. That is definitely not the case, and many people we hang out with might actually be horrible for us without us even realizing it.
There is a saying that goes, “Your network is your net worth”. What this means is that the people with who you surround yourself are directly linked to your accomplishments, your success, and your happiness.
Wouldn’t you rather your network be full of positive, uplifting, reliable, and easy-going people?
If you’ve been feeling unhappy, unworthy, and unfulfilled lately you might have to take a look around you to see the kinds of people you are letting into your inner circle.
Not everybody deserves to be a part of that inner circle, and today I am sharing a few toxic people to avoid and let go of in order to become a happier person.
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1- The Jealous Friend
A little envy between friends is normal. However, there should be a limit because real jealousy can become a huge problem in your relationships.
Jealousy becomes dangerous when it goes from your friends wishing they had what you have, to them wishing that you didn’t have it in the first place.
If you have good things happening in your life, and are doing good for yourself, pay attention to how your friends react to your good news. You can almost always notice when someone is not being genuine or not wishing you well.
Real friends support each other and build each other up, remember that.
2- The Competitive Friend
Is there someone in your life who always wants to one-up you? Who somehow always manages to make everything about her? Every time you come to her with a problem she somehow manages to tell you she has an even bigger problem?
Yeah, that’s the competitive friend who will never be happy for you. She will always try to outshine you, even in the bad times.
Save yourself the stress of being around people like that, and get out asap.
3- The Negative Nancy
People who are negative love bringing others to their misery. After all, misery does love company.
Negative people should be kept as far away from you as possible. These people love to talk about their problems to anybody who will listen, and it’s draining. Especially since they don’t even want a solution to their problems. They just talk to talk.
You cannot be positive and happy about your life if you surround yourself with those who are just the opposite. You can either tell them you’re not interested in their problems anymore, or cut them out.
Otherwise, you’ll become miserable yourself pretty quickly.
4- The Drama Queen
Drama might have been cute in high school, but when you’re an adult with real-life things to worry about you don’t have time for drama.
You don’t have time for people who create drama wherever they go, either. These people are always in search for trouble, and always ready to get in a fight or confrontation.
You’re not a referee and don’t need to be there to witness the action. Go about your life minding your business. It will pay off, trust me.
5- The Constant Gossiper
While gossip is a part of life and a lot of gossip is harmless and only meant to find out how people are doing, some gossip is quite malicious. Sadly, there are people who live for this, and consider malicious gossip a part of their life.
They find joy in other people’s misery and misfortune, and thrive on making up stories and assumptions about others.
These people are some of the most dangerous because being around them can tarnish your reputation even if you’re not the one gossiping.
And remember, if they gossip with you, they will gossip about you.
6- The Attention Seeker
This person is addicted to getting attention from everybody and at all times. Attention seekers are loud, showy, and always fishing for compliments. This can constantly put you in a very awkward position.
People like this can also seek attention by always having to be the one who talks. Cutting people off and interrupting important conversations to talk about something they have experienced are also attention seeking traits.
They are always ready to brag to anybody who will listen and could talk for hours if they could. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s just embarrassing.
7- The One Who Takes Advantage
Do you have anybody in your life who constantly takes and takes, and never gives anything in return?
This person is in your life for THEIR OWN benefit. Trust me on that.
Especially if they only pop up in your life from time to time, and it’s always to get a favor from you. As nice as people should be, being taken advantage of is something you need to put an end to immediately.
You can spot that person if you pay attention to how they respond when you ask them for things. Are they always too busy, or always say they will “get back to you later”? Yeah, that’s the one.
Final Thoughts
You might be sitting here reading this and thinking that there is nobody in your life who didn’t make it on this list. And no, you don’t need to cut everybody off if this is the case.
What you should do with people who are close to you is have an open and honest conversation about how you feel regarding their actions. Sometimes people don’t realize that they’re actually hurting the people in their lives and therefore need a reality check.
However, if they start throwing a fit and becoming defensive and claiming it’s all in your head, then it’s time to move on from them. A good person will always take constructive criticism to heart and work on themselves, proving themselves to you.
Related reads:
How To Make Friends At Work
Toxic Habits You Need To Quit Immediately
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