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Do you remember the last time you stopped and thought to yourself, “I’m really enjoying my life to the fullest”? Has that ever happened? Think about it.
Many of us are too busy working, hustling, taking care of our own, stressing, and thinking about the future to stop and enjoy the little things in life. We are quite literally too busy to live life without stressing about it.
More often than not, we don’t realize that life is worth living to the fullest unless a crisis strikes. But why? When did it become to socially acceptable, and encouraged, to always be too busy to stop and smell the roses?
I say it’s about time that this narrative changed and that people actually started to enjoy their life to the fullest. Because if all we do in life is stress and work and rinse and repeat, then what’s the point of living?
There are too many beautiful blessings around us that we are too distracted from acknowledging. Life is short anyway. Might as well live the version YOU want to live. Which, I doubt is the stressful and hustling kind.
Let’s change that around for you and help you celebrate life and all the wonderful moments you might be too busy to notice! Below are 25 things you can do today to enjoy life to the fullest.
Enjoy life… that’s what we’re here for.
David Faustino

1- Wake up every day with a purpose.
You were not put on this Earth for nothing. None of us were. Every morning, you should be reminding yourself of this fact.
When you wake up with a purpose, or something you know you want to live by that day, your whole day instantly gets better. Our mindset is the core of what we do and how we react to what happens to us, so reminding yourself of your purpose daily is the key to a happy and balanced life.
2- Quit your complaining.
Most of us complain from time to time, and complaining about harmless things once in a while is definitely healthy. However, there comes a point where complaining gets to be a bit too much.
There are many things not worth complaining about, so the next time something annoys you and you feel like venting, ask yourself if it will still matter tomorrow. More often than not, it won’t. That’s what makes something not worth complaining about.
3- Slow down.
Between work, school, socializing, family life, side projects, and everything else life throws at you, it may seem like you can’t ever slow down. If that’s the case, you need to start forcing yourself to take it easy once in a while. A simple way to do this is by taking as much time as you can, anywhere between 10 minutes to one hour, to just do nothing.
4- Work smart, not hard.
Too many of us make things way more complicated than they should be. Sometimes it’s not that we do it on purpose, but just because that’s all we know.
Structuring your tasks in a way that helps you get them done easier and faster is the way to go. Lucky for us, technology has provided us with a faster way to do almost anything. Use it to your advantage.
Related: 10 Ways To Get More Done Quicker
5- Give back willingly.
One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to enjoy life is by creating joy for other people. It’s amazing how far a lending hand can go in someone’s life, so when life blesses you be sure to bless someone in your path. So give back without expecting something in return.
6- Learn to process your emotions.
Emotions are a funny thing. Some of us wear ours on our sleeves, and others bottle them up entirely. Having a healthy balance of both is ideal, and don’t be afraid to get help if you have trouble expressing your emotions in a healthy way.
7-Love your body.
To love your body means to be at peace with what you have been blessed with, and to work on bettering it if you wish. That means fueling it right, moving it daily, and taking care of it. After all, it’s the only body you’ve got in this lifetime.
8- Live unapologetically.
Do you, and be you. Be proud of all your quirks and differences! They’re what make you, you!
9- Watch how you speak about yourself.
How you speak about yourself has a direct impact on how you feel about yourself and on what manifests into your reality. Instead of using hateful self-talk, work on saying and thinking positively. Affirmations are a great start!
Related: 50 Positive Self-Love Affirmations
10- Work on bettering yourself.
There are so many areas of personal development you can work on. Some good areas to start in are health, mindset, and finances. Keep on learning and prioritizing your growth.
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11- Make time for self-care.
Burn out is no fun, which is why regularly indulging in self-care is so important. Life isn’t all work, work, work. Rest and recharging should be held as crucial as hustling is, if not more.
60 Ways To Practice Self-Care
The Perfect Sunday Self-Care Routine
12- Quit holding grudges.
Holding a grudge does not hurt anyone but yourself. It’s like giving someone power to live in your head rent-free. Forgive, learn from the experience and move on. You will not believe how freeing that will feel.
13- Celebrate your success.
Do you treat yourself to something nice whenever you reach a personal goal? You should! Be proud of your accomplishments and celebrate every goal you reach. Become your own cheerleader, you deserve it!
14- Make every day special.
Find the beauty in every day. Go on a nice nature walk, treat yourself to some ice-cream, rewatch your favorite movie. There are so many little things you can do to make your days special, so make sure to do something for you every day.
15- Become your best friend.
Become comfortable being on your own. Take yourself out to eat. Watch movies by yourself. It’s nice to just be around yourself once in a while.
16- Practice gratitude daily.
No matter how bad things may seem, there is always something to be grateful for. Every day, remind yourself of all the blessings you have in your life. An attitude of gratitude will help you live life to the fullest and appreciate what you have.
Related: 33 Gratitude Journal Prompts
17- Fill your space with beautiful things.
What’s better than being surrounded by beauty? It’s motivating, calming, and nice to be around, especially if you spend a lot of time there! Fill those places with a few things that make you happy to look at, such as plants, or art.
18- Be inspired rather than intimidated.
Look at successful people as inspiration. Nobody is special, everybody can have success in their lives. It’s normal to have a little envy when somebody has something you want, but instead of being bitter about it, congratulate them and know that you’re capable of having it too!
19- Create routines you actually enjoy.
Spending your day doing things you enjoy is such an easy thing to lift up your mood. You may not have a routine you enjoy at work, but you are certainly in control of your routines at home. Take advantage of that, and structure your days to consist of activities you enjoy.
The Morning Routine That Changed My Life
10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Mornings
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20- Work on eliminating limiting beliefs.
You are what you think you are. If you think you’re weak and unworthy, that’s what you will become. Is this really what you want to think about yourself? Give yourself more credit. Make a list of things you are good at and things you love about yourself. Read it daily if you have to, in order to kick those limiting beliefs to the curb.
21- Be a kind person.
There is so much negativity and hate in this world. Kindness costs nothing but means everything.
22- Let go of past hardships.
The past is in the past for a reason. Keep moving forward and know that anything bad that’s happened to you happened for a reason, maybe to teach you a lesson. Take that lesson with you and don’t look back- focus on the present, and on the future.
23- Spend time with those who uplift you.
Positive people have a tremendous effect on your happiness. Surround yourself with people you feel good around, and motivate each other regularly.
Related: 7 Toxic People To Stay Away From
24- Be responsible for your actions.
You play the main character in your life. Whatever happens to you is in the result of an action you have taken, and it takes a lot of growth and maturity to realize that. Learning how to take responsibility for your action is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Related: How To Take Responsibility In Your Life
25- Laugh often.
Laugh like nobody’s around, and don’t ever apologize for it.
I hope you have enjoyed this post on how to enjoy life to the fullest. There is a lot to love about life, and taking the steps to find the joy in what’s around you will make you a happier person, and will lead to a more abundant life.
Related books you might enjoy:
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz & Janet Mills
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
The Self-Love Experiment by Shannon Kaiser
Wisdom of Sundays: Life-changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations by Oprah Winfrey
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how to enjoy life how to enjoy your time living life to the fullest personal development
So many great tips. Finding a reason to wake up every morning is a great tip!
This was such a great post! Practicing gratitude daily literally helps me appreciate life even more🙂
I love all the tips you mentioned! I agree, it’s important to take care of yourself and allow your body to recharge.